We received this e-mail from Sean Noble this morning:
To whom it may concern:
The picture you have posted on your website talking about potential candidates in CD 5 against Harry Mitchell has a picture listed as me, that is not, in fact, me.
If you do a google image search of Sean Noble, the first image listed is of me from a story that ran in High Country News about the battle over draining Lake Powell. I have served as an advisor to the Friends of Lake Powell and was quoted and pictured in that article as such.
The image can be found here http://www.hcn.org/allimages/2003/dec22/graphics/031222-019.jpg
Or, you can, as I mentioned before, do a google image search of me and find it.
Sean Noble (the one considering running in CD 5)
P.S. Others that are thinking about running are Laura Knaperek and Jim Ogsbery
The picture you have posted on your website talking about potential candidates in CD 5 against Harry Mitchell has a picture listed as me, that is not, in fact, me.
If you do a google image search of Sean Noble, the first image listed is of me from a story that ran in High Country News about the battle over draining Lake Powell. I have served as an advisor to the Friends of Lake Powell and was quoted and pictured in that article as such.
The image can be found here http://www.hcn.org/allimages/2003/dec22/graphics/031222-019.jpg
Or, you can, as I mentioned before, do a google image search of me and find it.
Sean Noble (the one considering running in CD 5)
P.S. Others that are thinking about running are Laura Knaperek and Jim Ogsbery
Sean Noble is the Chief of Staff for Congressman John Shadegg and is the Volunteer Co-Ordinator for McCain 2008 in Arizona. He would make an EXCELLENT Congressman if he ever decided to run! Note: They finally replaced the wrong photo of Sean....
Sean probably would make a good Congressman, but first you have to get elected. One of what should be his strongest assets, Rep. Shaddeg, is hurting financially -- his opponent has 10 times as much money as he does! Let's concentrate on getting Shaddeg re-elected before Sean moves to CD5. We should be able to find someone "local" to beat Mitchell.
Congressman Shadegg is trailing in $$$ because in 2006 he gave tons of contributions to other GOP Candidates. This guy Lord has NO chance to be Shadegg, nice try Liberal dems. You can't buy an office in Arizona, just ask Jim "Money Bags" Pederson.
From the NY Times:
And Shadegg’s camp is confident that the congressman, coming off a 2006 campaign in which he brought in about $1.1 million in campaign funds, will be able to easily make up for lost time. Campaign aides say the reason Shadegg currently has so little cash in his treasury is because he distributed much of the money he raised in the past election cycle — $573,000 in total, according to FEC records — to other Republican candidates in what turned out to be a futile GOP effort to maintain its control of the House.
I'm 100% behind Shaddeg, but this is sloppy work. He was right to give the money to try to preserve the majority. He should have been raising money after the election and in the first quarter to prevent this scenario which is how a guy nobody has ever heard of has 10 times as much COH.
And, they hold elections for a reason. Shaddeg is currently safe, but there were a lot of safe Republican seats at this time last year.
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