Here is my reply to a recent article by ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE
"Holland has tried to turn things around, as has Denmark. Germany's socialists hang on still to decaying ideas of multiculturalism that never worked and they are killing themselves. When one immigrant murders his grown daughter for wanting to date a Christian, it is NOT manslaughter, it is MURDER! When are those louts going to figure it out. Any judge, no matter where, who allows honor killings to happen is just as guilty as the perpetrator that next kills his daughter. The German judge that made the ruling on allowing corporal punishment for wives, referring to the Shariah, did not look far enough; he is not allowed to really hurt her or damage her--and he certainly is not allowed to gouge out her eyes, you stupid jerk!
I am extremely fed up with Leftists all over the world who can't see anything past their stupid, nonsensical, fairy tale of a doctrine and just as fed up with conservatives who are too stupid to understand what the Left is doing and why they are doing it. The Left will shred this country piece by piece with their insane politics and whining and the Right is stopped cold because the Left just calls them names. If this country is to avoid what is happening to Europe, the Left must be changed into something better than they are and the Right has to get a little more backbone. If you love this country, FIGHT for it! Politics is not a game, it is a war. When you vote, vote as if your life depended on the outcome--it does! The Pope said that Europe could disappear from history because of Leftism/Liberalism. If you look around at the outrageous politics waged in this country every day, you have to admit: so could we!"
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