"How do we allow a life long public servant Mr. Pat Chorpenning Sr. who has brought The Arizona Department of Veterans Services into modern times, be crucified with no process?
Pat Chorpenning Sr. is a combat-decorated, combat-disabled Vietnam veteran who served in the 7th Marines. After his medical retirement from the Marine Corps in 1970 and a long recuperation period, Mr. Chorpenning earned his Master’s degree from Harvard in Administration, Planning and Social Policy.
In 1999, Chorpenning was appointed by Governor Hull as Director of Arizona Department of Veterans Service and than reappointed and elevated to a cabinet-level post by Governor Napolitano.
The obvious need for a distraction from the Zero Effective legislator has caused leadership to jump on a band wagon with no horses pulling it. Speaker Weirs and Senator Harper are the ones who should be doing the explaining for causing the removal of a life long public servant.
A surprise investigation that reported as fact, things that were reported by a dismissed former Administrator, who was fired for managerial incompetence. Only one of these charges was witnessed by this surprise investigation team a “soiled adult diaper”.
The Director removed an ineffective employee and the media; Weirs & Harper allowed this former fired administrator to throw a sour grapes grenade into the political marketplace and then is allowed to simply slink away. The Federal inspection conducted one week before this craziness found not one of the so called violations. The home is considered a national model, and its reputation resulted in a second Arizona veteran home in Tucson from the VA for Arizona.
This so called “nursing home crisis” is largely a manufactured crisis by media types and politicos with their own agenda, nothing to do with good public policy. Governor Napolitano rather than join this band wagon should have called for the investigation and let Mr. Chorpenning sit back till the investigation was completed. Smelling blood has caused many to jump to conclusions with nothing to be found but a disgruntled former administrator trying to explain her firing.
The premise of the whole circus needs to be questioned; there is a possible isolated incident that was not covered up or investigated. What we have is an example of throwing the baby out with the bath water not paying attention to the facts regarding the whole system that is national acclaimed, with the Director fired who brought it out of crisis. The Director did not create a crisis. Chorpenning has provided outstanding service and dedication to the 800,000 Arizona veterans. We regret his departure and will miss his service."
Clancy Jayne is a former Legislator and small business owner
Phil Hanson is a Former Legislator and Hospital Chief of Administrative Service, retiring as a Colonel
Pat Chorpenning Sr. is a combat-decorated, combat-disabled Vietnam veteran who served in the 7th Marines. After his medical retirement from the Marine Corps in 1970 and a long recuperation period, Mr. Chorpenning earned his Master’s degree from Harvard in Administration, Planning and Social Policy.
In 1999, Chorpenning was appointed by Governor Hull as Director of Arizona Department of Veterans Service and than reappointed and elevated to a cabinet-level post by Governor Napolitano.
The obvious need for a distraction from the Zero Effective legislator has caused leadership to jump on a band wagon with no horses pulling it. Speaker Weirs and Senator Harper are the ones who should be doing the explaining for causing the removal of a life long public servant.
A surprise investigation that reported as fact, things that were reported by a dismissed former Administrator, who was fired for managerial incompetence. Only one of these charges was witnessed by this surprise investigation team a “soiled adult diaper”.
The Director removed an ineffective employee and the media; Weirs & Harper allowed this former fired administrator to throw a sour grapes grenade into the political marketplace and then is allowed to simply slink away. The Federal inspection conducted one week before this craziness found not one of the so called violations. The home is considered a national model, and its reputation resulted in a second Arizona veteran home in Tucson from the VA for Arizona.
This so called “nursing home crisis” is largely a manufactured crisis by media types and politicos with their own agenda, nothing to do with good public policy. Governor Napolitano rather than join this band wagon should have called for the investigation and let Mr. Chorpenning sit back till the investigation was completed. Smelling blood has caused many to jump to conclusions with nothing to be found but a disgruntled former administrator trying to explain her firing.
The premise of the whole circus needs to be questioned; there is a possible isolated incident that was not covered up or investigated. What we have is an example of throwing the baby out with the bath water not paying attention to the facts regarding the whole system that is national acclaimed, with the Director fired who brought it out of crisis. The Director did not create a crisis. Chorpenning has provided outstanding service and dedication to the 800,000 Arizona veterans. We regret his departure and will miss his service."
Clancy Jayne is a former Legislator and small business owner
Phil Hanson is a Former Legislator and Hospital Chief of Administrative Service, retiring as a Colonel
I'm happy that Clancy is willing to set the record straight. Ron Murphy, a great friend of mine and fellow partner in the PBI for retirees and former lobbyist for the American Legion (now deceased), was very instrumental in getting this home here in AZ. This whole thing is a manufactured deal because Napolitano is the Gov. Had it been Hull or Symington, it would have been "swept under the rug". Another possible reason is the "Building 18" at Walter Reed - is this the Republicans way of "getting back at the Dems"? But then don't we know by this time it is always the "little ones" - even former "heroes" who get the shaft?
Interesting article in the Republic this morning (http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/0410medcampus0410.html) about Jim Weiers slapping a subpoena on the UA Medical Campus. What kind of leadership is this? Weiers was lucky to survive the last election. Wonder what his constituents think of him now?
Wow. This is about the most poorly written opinion piece I have ever read. You guys should be embarassed for allowing these blowh-hards to post on your blog. You might want to edit their pieces for them in the future. The grammar and sentence structure are terrible.
Wow. This is about the most poorly written opinion piece I have ever read. You guys should be embarassed for allowing these blowh-hards to post on your blog. You might want to edit their pieces for them in the future. The grammar and sentence structure are terrible.
If you are going to slam Speaker JIm Weiers for something, at least spell his name correctly.
Also, not sure what federal report you mention, but the Veterans Administration report found many problems with the home, some of the same that were found on the annual inspection by the department of Health Services. The VA didnt give the Home a clean bill of health and the federal government suspended sending new patients to the home until the problems were corrected.
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