Thursday, March 22, 2007

State GOP praises Cong. Jeff Flake for standing against runaway spending...

State GOP Critical of “Pork Spending” Extension
Pullen praises Flake for standing against runway spending

Phoenix, AZ – Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party and Congressman Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) were both critical today of a move by congressional Democrats to extend the earmark request deadline by six weeks.

The tax and spend Democrat house leadership gave six more weeks to dream up more earmarks – but when was the last time Congress gave taxpayers six more weeks to pay their tax bill,” asked Pullen. Rather than going on yet another spending spree, Democrats should walk the talk on fiscal responsibility that they continuously preached before the November elections.”

Pullen continued, “While the Democrats in Congress continue to spend like drunken sailors, we in Arizona are fortunate to have leaders like Jeff Flake who has been a steadfast supporter of earmark reform. I applaud Jeff’s efforts and know that he will continue to fight against irresponsible spending in Washington.”

Congressman Flake said, “Despite what they said during the last campaign cycle, it doesn’t look like pork barrel projects are going to end with the Democrats in charge. It’s just business as usual."

On Wednesday, Appropriations Chairman Dave Obey (D-Wisconsin) extended the date U.S. House members must submit their requests for special projects by six weeks to April 27th.

For more information contact Brett Mecum at 602.957.7770 or at

Paid for by the Arizona Republican Party
Not authorized by any campaign or campaign committee

NOTE: Here is an article on Cong. Jeff Flake and his stance on earmarks


Anonymous said...

I believe Mr. Flake is on the right track as a Conservative Republican Representative. I wish to let him know, that he can count on my support albeit I don’t live in his district. I heart something this morning on TV but could not stay long enough to hear it all. It has to do with some real doable and realistic approach to bring resemblance of order to the illegal immigration situation.

It may not please everybody, but appears to be a giant step to a workable plan.

It has to do with the illegal leaving and then entering legally with proper procedures, identity check work permits and fines and also back taxes.

Can you find out exactly how that bill, that he is supporting or co-sponsoring reads?

I would be interested.

Horst Kraus

Tony GOPrano said...

Here is what was posted on Congressman Flake's web site on this bill:

'Congressmen Gutierrez and Flake Unveil Bipartisan Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation
Legislation would create an immigration system that meets the economic and security needs of our nation by creating laws that are tough, enforceable and realistic

Washington, D.C., Mar 22 - Congressmen Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ.) Thursday unveiled new legislation designed to fix our nation's badly broken immigration system. The legislation is the culmination of years of hard work, in-depth discussions and thoughtful negotiations by Congressmen Gutierrez and Flake.

“The bill we are discussing today is all about security--homeland security, family security and economic security,” Gutierrez said. “It will allow us to better protect our borders and reform an immigration system that is hampering businesses, hurting families and harming communities.”

“Our current immigration laws are at odds with reality,” said Flake. “This bill addresses that problem by bolstering border security, increasing interior enforcement, and creating a temporary worker program that’s enforceable and fair.”

The bill, the STRIVE Act of 2007 (Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy), would overhaul the current immigration system in a way that better protects and enforces our borders, respects the hard work and contributions of immigrants to our country and reflects the realities of our workforce and the needs of our communities.

If enacted, the Gutierrez-Flake bill would ensure that we have an immigration system in place that meets the security and economic needs of our nation by creating laws that are tough, enforceable and realistic.

Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-NY) said, “It is time that we pass comprehensive immigration reform that balances our nation’s security with a realistic and humane approach to dealing with the 11 million undocumented individuals already in the United States. This bipartisan legislation enforces accountability and strong border controls, while offering an earned path to citizenship to those who have contributed to our society through hard work. I thank Congressmen Luis Gutierrez and Jeff Flake for renewing their cooperation on this issue so we can finally move forward in fixing our broken immigration system.”

“This is good, common sense legislation that addresses border security and the millions of undocumented workers in our country,” said Congressman George Radanovich (R-CA). “I am particularly pleased to see the AgJOBS language included in this bill so our nation’s farmers get the help they need to put food on our tables.”

“As the son of an immigrant and a resident of Chicago, I know first-hand, that immigrants make this country strong. Those who have lived in this country for years - who have held jobs, started families and established roots in American communities - deserve the opportunity to earn their citizenship,” said Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL). “This legislation enhances protections for immigrants already living and working in the U.S., provides for effective security enforcement, assists in family reunification, encourages legality at our borders, and most importantly treats all immigrants with the dignity and respect they deserve. I am proud to join members from both sides of the aisle in introducing this reform.”

“Only a comprehensive immigration reform plan like the STRIVE Act will help us achieve an effective, lasting, and viable solution to the immigration issues facing our nation,” said Congressman Luis G. Fortuño (R-PR), chair of the Congressional Hispanic Conference.'

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