For Immediate Release March 7, 2007
Contact: Brett Mecum bmecum@azgop.org
Phone: 602.957.7770 www.azgop.org
Cell: 602.448.9883 Fax: 602.224.0932
Pullen to Gov: Don’t Even Think About ‘Cutting and Running’ in Iraq
Phoenix, AZ – Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, issued a stern warning today to Governor Napolitano not to politicize the war in Iraq.
“While our brave men and women in uniform are fighting terrorists overseas, the Democrats continue to undermine their efforts here at home,” said Pullen. “Hopefully Janet will see first hand why it is imperative that we continue our mission and ‘don’t cut and run.’ Our troops our counting on us as much as we are counting on them. We cannot afford to let them down.
“Its abhorrent that elected officials like Gabrielle Giffords and Hillary Clinton fly to Iraq at taxpayer expense, pay lip service to our troops and then denounce their efforts back home by voting to cut troop levels and withhold vital funding. I hope Janet does not venture down the same road as others in her party.
“We have troops in harms way in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Mexican Border, and other places around the world. Its time for Janet and her Democratic pals to grow up,” said Pullen. “The American people will not tolerate the Democrats continuing to use our troops for political leverage.”
“While Democrats continue to politicize the war in Iraq, it’s the Republicans that are willing to take a stand and support our troops who protect the safety and security for all citizens of Arizona and the country,” Pullen added.
For more information contact Brett Mecum at 602.957.7770 or at bmecum@azgop.org.
Paid for by the Arizona Republican Party
Not authorized by any campaign or campaign committee
Brett Mecum
Communications Director
Arizona Republican Party
602.957.7770 (w)
602.448.9883 (c)
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