Sunday, November 05, 2006

Here are MY Predictions for Tuesday's Elections....

Here are MY predictions for Tuesday's General Elections:

Arizona Senate Race

Sen. Jon Kyl 55% - 'Boss' Pederson 45%
This race will NOT be as close as the Dems think. Sen. Kyl has done an EXCELLENT job for Arizona and the voters know it. Like I have said all along, you can't BUY a Senate Seat in Arizona...

CD-5 US House of Representatives

Cong. JD Hayworth 51% - Harry 'Sign Stealer' Mitchell 48%
The Libertarian will get 1%

In the end, Republicans will come home for JD. Sorry Harry, back to Tempe for you pal...

CD-8 US House of Representatives

Gabby 54% - Randy Graf 48%
The RNCC will regret not funding Mr. Graf's campaign. What a shame? This race was winnable. Hope those CD-8 peeps like the Illegal Aliens running rampant in Tucson...

CD-1 US House of Representatives

Cong. Rick Renzi 55% - Ellen Simon 45%
Another that won't be as close as the Dems think. Rick has done a fabulous job on the Indian Reservations and this is his saving grace....

Arizona Governor Race

Gov. 'Veto' Napolitano 54% - Len Munsil 45%
Barry Hess - 1%

Again, another race closer than imagined. The problem Munsil had was name recognition vs 'VJ'. I give Munsil all the credit in the world for having the guts to run against an incumbent governor. Many other better know GOP candidates ran and hid from this race. One we could have won....

Some closing thoughts....the veto proof Arizona Legislature is gone. If the 'so called' Dem nationwide sweep occurs, this may trickle down to the Legislative District level. Polls are showing that in LD-10, Speaker Jim Weires is 11 points behind his Dem opponent. The AZ GOP has, this weekend, put $100,000 in his campaign. Why didn't this money go to Cong. Hayworth or Randy Graf? Polls in LD-17 show that Laura Knaperek may also be in trouble. That race has a lot to do with the CD-5 race & Harry Mitchell. Maybe you should have run for State Treasurer Laura, you would have won that race easily.

Nationally, looks like the Dems will get a small majority in the House (can you say Speaker Nancy Pelosi? God Help Us!!!). The Senate will remain GOP so the Dems won't be able to do anything. 2 years with Pelosi as Speaker will return Republicans in back to power in 2008!


shrimplate said...

If the Dems take the House they will have subpoena powers.

Tony GOPrano said...

Bring it On Nancy! Do that and it 2 years, the GOP will swamp the Dems back where they belong. Plus, this will only make Sen. John McCain look better. Can you say President McCain? LOL!

Zelph said...

Looks like the Dems have the Senate as well. Will John McCain commit suicide now?

Tony GOPrano said...

No Zelph my friend, he will just run for President!