Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Democrat Con Job!

The Con Job the Democrats just pulled on the voters of the United States is going to come back to haunt them. Almost all of the candidates the Dems ran were 'Conservative'. (Except in CD-5 AZ where a liberal, sign stealing former mayor of Tempe, AZ - the 'liberal armpit of Arizona won) For example, Heath Shuler - D - NC former failed QB from the Washington Redskins ran on a campaign that he would not vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. What happens after he is elected? He now is voting for Pelosi. Run Conservative to get elected and once elected, change back to what you really are.....LIBERAL. Look at Jim Webb in VA? He ran so Conservative that he is going to be at odds with the new Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It's actually going to be fun to watch these so called 'Conservative Democrats' squirm as the Liberals like Nancy Pelosi & 'Buzz Lightweight' Chairman of the DNC, come off the Prozac they must have taken on Election Night to attempt to look like leaders. The drugs are starting to wear off as the Dems true colors are starting to show up....


TimWilsonAZ said...

Yeah, none of that is true. Conservative Democrats wouldn't have gotten the votes from the Democratic base and the moderate/independent swing voters that gave the Dems Congress.

And Jim Webb is no conservative.

Tony GOPrano said...


All you have to do is look at how the Dems are acting now that they have been elected. I stand by everything I said and am being proven right everyday by the actions of the Pelosi-Reid-Ted Kennedy Congress!

Conservative Card Carrying Republican!

TimWilsonAZ said...


Looking at the records and issue positions of the new Democrats elected to the House and Senate, only several can be considered "conservative." Casey in Pennsylvania leans conservative, perhaps, but Jim Webb? Come on...

Tony GOPrano said...


Today's vote on the Majority Leader is a great tell-tail and proves exactly what I said. Steny Hoyer won the race vs. John Murtha by a count of 149 to 86. Murtha was liberal Speaker Nancy Pelosi's 'Boy' and he got hammered by the 'new' Moderate Dems...

TimWilsonAZ said...

How exactly does that help your argument? You're saying the new "conservative" Democratic members voted for Hoyer (a moderate, yes), but didn't vote for Murtha (a conservative Democrat, one of the most conservative in fact).

Plus, Hoyer got most of the votes of the new Dems because he campaigned for them. Murtha did little campaigning for Democratic challengers.

And I ask again: Who are the newly elected members of the Democratic caucus that can be considered conservative? The Dems won 29 House seats and 6 Senate seats, so how many out of those 35 are conservative Democrats? I can only think of three or four.