Friday, December 31, 2010


All of us here at Politico Mafioso want to wish you a safe & Happy New Year in 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Well folks it's that time of year again!  Ringing out 2010 and bringing in 2011. 

2010 was a wonderful year for Republicans!  We gained 63 seats in the US House of Representatives and nearly took over the Senate (2012 that will happen).

Republicans also won 680 more seats in State Legislatures (here in AZ, the GOP gained super-majorities in the House & Senate).

The most satisfying win of 2010 to me was the re-election of Senator John McCain! His THUMPING of J.D. Hayworth in the Primary & decisive victory in the General Election over Rodney Glassman has the 'Wackos' "peeing red"! 

Here are some predictions:

The Race for State GOP Chairman

Any of the 3 candidates, RON CARMICHAEL, BRUCE ASH, & MARTY HERMANSON would be a huge improvement over the current chairman. 

We have spoken to many State Committeeman, this is going to be a close race.  But we think that BRUCE ASH in the end will win.  He has the best name ID and will make a great chairman as would any of these fine gentlemen.

Phoenix Mayor 2011

The race is on to replace Phil Gordon as Phoenix Mayor in 2011!  So far, WES GULLETT has put in his name, along with GREG STANTON.  Two more are expected to join the race in 2011, PEGGY NEELY & CLAUDE MADDOX. 

We believe if she decides to run that PEGGY NEELY has the best chance to win.  This will be a close race between Gullett & Neely.  Should be an interesting campiagn!

Prop 203 Ramifications

With the narrow passage of Prop 203, Medical Marijuana will be legal in AZ.  But this could just be the beginning of the problems with this proposition the 'pot heads' won. 

 Watch the DUI's in Arizona skyrocket once the sale of MM starts.  This will flood the courts with jury trials.  What a mess this is going to be.

Tom Boone & the DVSD Scandal

The AZ Attorney General's Office is now investigating TOM BOONE and Valley Schools Management Group (VSMG) for numerous violations.  Hope he looks good in Pink?

This could become one of the biggest stories in 2011!

Some Predicions from some of our Bloggers:

"I believe the GOP will finally reconcile with the Tea Party and Jim De Mint will become a viable candidate for president with three major contenders for VP: Sarah Palin (who may turn it down), John Bolton, and Newt Gingrich.

Of course, Hilarious Rotten Clinton will run away with the primary against the empty suit in the White House."


"The New England Patriots will win the Superbowl.

Things will continue to be focused "locally", leading to a conservative/republican majority for the ensuing decade. (yep I said decade)

Gains by the GOP at the state level was 694 seats which is 35% more than Republican elections of 1994 (with Dem defections that number is now over 700). And of course there's the lovely 'redistricting', which as of now plays right into that majority in a big way nationwide. To make a long story short from the Governor positions down, folks will continue to spend/contribute/run for office and be far better positioned to protect the new seats and actually win over more.

In order to retain House and Senate seats at the national level (and win more) the GOP, Tea Party type and various organizations that support candidates other than Democrats will have to raise 35% more money than they raised and spent on the mid-terms. Sounds nearly impossible doesn't it . . . but you watch . . it'll happen.

Zogby stated that during this last cycle 44% of Americans listened to the NRA's message and 42% of independents did the same. Look for those numbers to hit the 50% mark (right up there with the Tea Party etc.)

Unemployment will 'officially' hit and remain in double digits.

The number of US cities facing bankruptcy will increase from 16 to 34. The number of states will also increase.

Obama will NOT shift to the 'center'.

Thanks to Obama and the EPA, additional costs to power plants and oil refineries will be passed on to businesses and from businesses to us.

The 'rest' my friends is a complete and total free for all. Up for grabs as it were. No one could possibly come close to predicting it."

~The Madirishman

Here are some predictions from our readers:

Brett Mecum will move back in with his parents in NY and return to his security guard career.


"Brett Mecum will go to work for Hairclub for Men:)

Brett Mecum will propose to Randy Pullen

Cops will do an episode featuring a bust at AZ GOP headquarters!"

~Ski Bum

"Carol Turoff, who runs the anonymous blog, the worst kept secret in town, will mistakenly post something extremely scandalous about a respected GOP leader (like Jon Kyl, Jeff Flake or John Shadegg, who she regularly attacks). The news, which will probably be something like them having an affair with a little boy, will be carried around the world and on the Drudge Report, and when it is discovered to be false, will be all anyone remembers about her."


"Bruce Ash wins party chairman and appoints Brett Mecum as his replacement as National committeeman from AZ

Randy Pullen gets a job working inside the private prison industry (pun intended)

Shiree Verdone is recognized as the "go to" political strategist and puts Nathan Sproul out of biz. "

~Wilbur the Wildcat

RedState Morning Briefing For December 30, 2010

1. Georgia Democrats Descend Into Parody and Race Baiting

2. On Vick and values

3. Union Pickets Baltimore’s City Paper Demanding Reporter’s ‘Resonation’

4. What the BLS survey modification will and will not do.


1. Georgia Democrats Descend Into Parody and Race Baiting

If you are a Republican, you wear white sheets and attend midnight meetings. That is if you believe Robert Brown.

Brown is now, after the decimation of Democrats in Georgia, the highest ranking Democrat in the whole state. He serves as leader of the Democrats in the State Senate.

On a local television program in Middle Georgia, Senator Brown was asked about a series of party switchers from Democrats to Republicans. Brown responded, “I mean, what does the wife do then, put on some red sheets on the bed and say ‘You know we can get rid of the blue sheets, but keep the white one over there because we might need that one for the midnight meeting.’”

Robert Brown has a history of racially incendiary remarks, having in the past accused Republicans of “Willie Horton” politics and other supposed racist actions.

It could be that Robert Brown is unfamiliar with what typically goes on between sheets, in which case we might forgive him. But whether he’s race baiting or just that dumb, it’s hard to mount a convincing case that he should actually be the highest ranked state level Democrat in Georgia.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. On Vick and values

As Tucker Carlson similarly stated, I, too, am a Christian and believe in forgiveness and redemption. And Vick did his time in jail and claims to be rehabilitated. Fine. But let’s not forget how we got here in the first place and why he’s back in uniform: because we increasingly place more value on scoring points/runs/goals - and perhaps on winning elections - than we do on the character of those who are directly involved and on the values that should drive behavior in America. In the words of one of my esteemed Redstate colleagues: wouldn’t it be nice if there was as much rage over the millions of aborted babies in this country as there has been over the dogs that Vick killed?

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Union Pickets Baltimore’s City Paper Demanding Reporter’s ‘Resonation’

Back in November, Baltimore’s City Paper ran a rather lengthy story about the corruption of Baltimore’s Local 333 of the International Longshoremen’s Association. It was a good piece, filled with colorful examples (like the one below) of the characters who load and unload containers from ships in Baltimore’s port.

In December, the City Paper also did a short follow-up to its November story. As could be expected, though, the union hasn’t taken too kindly to having light shed on its otherwise tarnished reputation. So, on Monday, the union did what unions are known to do when they find themselves under scrutiny: The union attacked the messenger, taking their message about “human rights” to the sidewalks outside the City Paper.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. What the BLS survey modification will and will not do.

You may have heard that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has modified its survey of unemployment. There is probably going to be a good deal of confusion over what’s being changed, so let me summarize the situation.

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Daily Grind: The Fed's 2011 State Bailout?

December 30th, 2010

The Fed's 2011 State Bailout?

As "stimulus" runs out, the nation's central bank may attempt to prevent fiscal doomsday for the states.

2011 Predictions

ALG staff takes a look into its crystal ball.

Menthol Cigarettes and Your Liberty Up In Smoke

By stigmatizing a bad habit, do-gooders have granted themselves leverage to extract freedom and money from a health-conscious population.


LAST WEEK:  9 - 7

OVERALL SEASON:  130 - 104

Cards QB John Skelton led the team to a comeback victory Christmas night vs the Cowpies!  Is Skelton the Cards Starting QB for next season?  Time will tell. 

NFL Week 17

Sunday, January 2, 2010

Carolina Panthers 21 @ Atlanta Falcons 35

Pittsburgh Steelers 35 @ Cleveland Browns 24

Minnesota Vikings 24 @ Detroit Lions 21

Chicago Bears 27 @ Green Bay Packers 35

Tennessee Titans 24 @ Indianapolis Colts 31

Oakland Raiders 24 @ Kansas City 35

Miami Dolphins 21 @ New England Patriots 40

NY Giants 21 @ Washington Redskins 24

Cincinnati Bengals 21 @ Baltimore Ravens 31

Jacksonville Jaguars 27 @ Houston Texans 31

Tampa Bay Bucs 30 @ New Orleans Saints 35

Buffalo Bills 24 @ NY Jets 27

Dallas Cowboys 24 @ Philadelphia Eagles 31

Arizona Cardinals 31 @ San Francisco 49ers 30

St. Louis Rams 35 @ Seattle Seahawks 0

San Diego 24 @ Denver Broncos 27

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

RedState Morning Briefing For December 29, 2010

1. The quintessential example of media bias for the 2010 election cycle

2. How Liberals Plan To Destroy The Senate With 51 Votes

3. University Study Confirms Renewable Energy Isn’t Economically Feasible
1. The quintessential example of media bias for the 2010 election cycle

Over the next few days, various news networks, newspapers, magazines, and others will present a retrospective on 2010: what the media got right, what the media got wrong, best moments, worst moments, etc.

Let me present what has to be the quintessential example of media bias in coverage of the 2010 elections.

The candidate was the upstart upset. With the state’s political players all lined up in the primary for the other guy — including the party chairman, the congressional delegation, EVERYBODY — the candidate beat the establishment pick, upset the apple cart, had people crying foul, and went on to be annihilated in the general election.

That candidate was not Christine O’Donnell, though you’d think so given the facts as I presented them. Certainly that was her story too. And the media covered the heck out of Christine O’Donnell.

But I’m talking about Alvin Greene.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. How Liberals Plan To Destroy The Senate With 51 Votes

Progressives, liberals and left of center politicians have teamed up to radically curtail the rights of Republican Senators in the next Congress. They have a plan to “kill the filibuster,” so that they can establish a top down system of control next year in the Senate. This plan to kill the filibuster will stifle dissent and relegate Republican Senators to observer status in the newly reformed Senate. If you thought that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ran a tight ship during her tenure, get ready for a Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) willing to obstruct all Republican opportunities to offer amendments and extend debate.

The left is promoting a myth that the filibuster can be changed with merely 51 votes. Progressive Katrina vanden Heuvel wrote over at the Washington Post demanding that liberal Senators rid the Senate of Rule 22 by a simple majority vote in the new Congress. This is nothing more than a naked power grab by the left so they can confirm far left wing nominees to the Courts and to establish complete control over the agenda of the United States Senate.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. University Study Confirms Renewable Energy Isn’t Economically Feasible

Colorado State University recently completed a study on the economic feasibility of increasing the usage of renewable energy. The results of this study were published in the world-renowned science periodical, The Coloradoan. Another stimulus-funded study of the obvious? No, what we have here is simply a heavy dose of reality for academicians who aren’t willing to match their rhetoric with their pocketbook. Some of the quotes in this article are quite humorous.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

Today in the Washington Examiner December 29, 2010

Michael Barone - A truce in culture wars as voters focus on economy

Back in June, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, whom many think would be an attractive 2012 presidential candidate, was quoted by Andrew Ferguson in the Weekly Standard for saying the next president "would have to call a truce on the so-called social issues." That quickly attracted some harsh criticism from opponents of abortion and same-sex marriage. But Daniels has declined to back down, telling the Indianapolis Star the other day that such issues are secondary to the economy and foreign policy.

I think both Daniels and his critics have missed the point. The fact is that there is an ongoing truce on the social issues, because for most Americans they have been overshadowed by concerns raised by the weak economy and the Obama Democrats' vast increase in the size and scope of government.

Mark Tapscott - Answering FOI for Palin emails may take longer than she was governor (An apology, too!)

Bill Dedman of says "you can do the math." If you do, odds are you won't be surprised if Alaska officials require more time to fulfill requests for copies of former Gov. Sarah Palin's official emails than she was actually in office. Here's how Dedman puts it: "On Monday evening, Sarah Palin's former staff in the Alaska governor's office requested another delay in making public 25,000 e-mails exchanged by Palin, her husband and her senior aides. Read More

Mark Hemingway - The Democrats' conundrum: If you want less income inequality, does that means fewer illegal immigrants?

Mickey Kaus makes a very interesting observation. It will be interesting to see if the Democratic party even tries to square the circle on this issue or just ignores it: Read More

Mark Tapscott - Only one in five Americans want government to regulate the Internet

Upwards of 60 percent of Americans opposed Obamacare before it was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Now that it's on the books, the same percentage want Obamacare repealed, according to Rasmussen Reports. Read More

Timothy P. Carney - Outlawing incandescent bulbs and unintended consequences

The mens room at the Washington Examiner recently received an energy-saving device: a motion sensor switch for the lights. In Europe, every public accomodation I visited had timed lights or motion-sensor lights in the bathrooms. I bet they pay for themselves in energy savings. Read More

Mark Hemingway - About the need to achieve parity between federal and private sector compensation...

Whenever you point out that the average federal worker makes over twice as much in salary and benefits as the average private sector worker, defenders of the public sector are quick to point out that it's not an apples to apples comparison. Federal workers often have to be more skilled than average joe in the private sector. Read More

Mark Hemingway - Malthusians wrong again -- this time on oil prices

The New York Times' John Tierney explains why those who predict doom and gloom on commodity prices and scarcity are almost always wrong: Five years ago, Matthew R. Simmons and I bet $5,000. It was a wager about the future of energy supplies — a Malthusian pessimist versus a Cornucopian optimist — and now the day of reckoning is nigh: Jan. 1, 2011. Read More

Obama’s Vacation Reading By William Warren

My latest cartoon pokes fun at Obama reading a book on Reagan while speculating what Reagan might be reading at the same time.

Daily Grind: Who's to Blame for Weight Gain?

December 29th, 2010

Who's to Blame for Weight Gain?

And what the heck are obesogens?!

Video: Sarah Palin Is Still Owed Apologies

Death panels (i.e. the Independent Payments Advisory Board) are still in the bill.

The Real Financial Crisis

Bankrupt states like Illinois, New York and California must get no more federal bailouts.

Time: Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli—Tea Party Principles

Alex Altman follows the rising conservative star, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So Long to Ya, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


NET RIGHT DAILY Must Reads for December 28, 2010

To view in your web browser, click here.


What Obama Got for Christmas By Nate Beeler

RedState Morning Briefing For December 28, 2010

We’re back! Hope you had a great and Merry Christmas. I’ll be sending out the Morning Briefing all this week, including New Year’s Eve.

God bless,
— Erick

1. Senate Democrats Poised for Power Grab

2. President Meets With Union Bosses to Discuss Government-Union “Partnership”

3. Read Biden’s Lips: new taxes in 2013!

4. Carole Shea-Porter… BROUGHT DOWN BY THE PRC?

5. The Public-Pension Plague Persists: Tony Soprano Pays a Visit to Sweet Home Alabama

6. The *true* John Conyers scandal.

1. Senate Democrats Poised for Power Grab

Senate Democrats are presently working over the Christmas break to deliver a lump of coal to the American people in the form of a radical changing of the Senate’s rules. This is a naked power grab by liberals in the Senate pure and simple.

The National Journal reports that Senate Democrats are laying the groundwork to chip away at the filibuster on January 5, 2011. They are going to push the idea that a simple majority of the Senate can abolish the filibuster rules, or radically change the rules, in a new Congress.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. President Meets With Union Bosses to Discuss Government-Union “Partnership”

The U.S. Department of Labor, which has become akin to the Ministry of Workers’ Councils, regularly issues a newsletter via e-mail and posts it on the Ministry’s website. This week, among other items touted, was this little gem on union bosses meeting with President Obama to discuss growing the economy and the government-union partnership.

It’s funny that the administration still refuses to admit that unions are the antithesis of private-sector job creation. In fact, it seems the only way unions create jobs is to buy politicians who steal other people’s money, then reward the union bosses with taxpayer dollars and government-approved discrimination.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Read Biden’s Lips: new taxes in 2013!

Vice President Joe Biden, bless his heart, is promising that there’s going to be a tax hike (including one on small businesses) in 2013. This, despite the fact that that the Republicans used their 58/42 minority in the Senate and 256/179 minority in the House to somehow prevent the current ruling party from moving ahead on the promised tax hikes: no doubt the President will make a speech and shine the light of his countenance upon the 112th Congress, thus causing them to tremble and flee the righteous Hope-and-Change of the Lightworker. Or the President will pout, which will probably have roughly the same effect.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Carole Shea-Porter… BROUGHT DOWN BY THE PRC?

That’s the implication, at least: Soon to be former Congresswoman Shea-Porter is going around telling people that the reason that she lost was because of all that dirty, dirty (and apparently foreign) special interest money. The quote: “They’re in the halls of Congress everywhere, and it means, for example, that you sit on a committee and you say something about concern about Chinese influence or something, you don’t even know if in the next election, somehow or another, they manage to send some money to some group that now doesn’t even have to say where they got it.”

Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. The Public-Pension Plague Persists: Tony Soprano Pays a Visit to Sweet Home Alabama

It is hard to imagine a more diverse pair of places that have been overrun by the infestation of public-sector pension problems than Prichard, Alabama and the withering Garden State of New Jersey. One might expect the problems in the Garden State of New Jersey, which is home to such luminaries as Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, and (the fictitious mob boss) Tony Soprano, and where a senator-turned-governor sleeps with a union boss and still nearly wins re-election. However, unlike New Jersey, Prichard, Alabama is hardly an example union bosses run amok—in fact, as a Right-to-Work state, 12 percent of Alabama’s workforce is unionized. Nevertheless, both are the latest examples in a string of bad news stories involving public-sector pensions.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

6. The *true* John Conyers scandal.

Background: back over Thanksgiving weekend John Conyers III (the son of Rep. John Conyers) reported a theft of computers and concert tickets from the car that he was using. The problem? John Conyers III was using the car unlawfully: it was leased to his father’s Congressional office as an official vehicle, and Conyers was not using it in an official capacity. And it wasn’t anything like an one-time event, either: John Conyers III also got a speeding ticket on the car back in September. The behavior was so egregious that Rep. Conyers isn’t even trying to fight it: he’s just swiftly reimbursing the government as comprehensively as possible before the 112th Congress gets sworn in.

None of this is the true scandal. The true scandal is that we’re only hearing about this now. Rep. Conyers - who is, by the way, still the JUDICIARY CHAIR - has a history of abusing official resources. His wife is in jail for bribery. There is thus zero excuse for the media not to jump on this with both feet… and if the man had an R after his name, they would have. Then again, if Rep. Conyers had had an R after his name the media would have destroyed him years ago.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hope You All Had a Very
For any article you may have missed this week, just click on any of the links below:

Friday December 24, 2010

Holiday Greetings from some of our Elected Officials!

Daily Grind: Merry Christmas

Cartoon of the Day: Obama’s Elves

Thursday December 23, 2010

NET RIGHT NATION Must Reads for December 23, 2010

Daily Grind: Lame Duck Hunters Prove Elections Matter

Natural Disasters Remembered, 2010

Punish the Innocent Female By HJS


Wednesday December 22, 2010

NET RIGHT DAILY Must Reads for December 22, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner December 22, 2010

Congratulations to ALG Cartoonist WILLIAM WARREN - Published in Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year

RedState Morning Briefing For December 22, 2010

Tuesday December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas from Governor Jan Brewer

NET RIGHT DAILY Must Reads for December 21, 2010

Census 2010 shows red states gaining Congressional seats By Aaron Blake

Cartoon of the Day: Military’s New Medal for Homosexuals


Monday December 20, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner December 20, 2010

Daily Grind: Where to Go After Omnibus

The Washington Post Morning Fix: Michele Bachmann for Senate?

RedState Morning Briefing For December 20, 2010

Cartoon of the Day: ObamaCare, DOA

Census Count May Complicate Obama's 2012 Bid - By Charles Babington AP

Sometimes We Must Say NO! By HJS