Monday, October 18, 2010

Today in the Washington Examiner October 18, 2010

Timothy P. Carney - Lisa Murkowksi funded by 'rent-an-Eskimo' racket

The ANCs highlight the truly corrupt aspect of pork-barrel spending, especially in Alaska. "Bringing home the bacon" is not simply about transferring wealth north from the Lower 48 -- it's often about using taxpayer money to line the pockets of the politically connected, who return the favor in the form of campaign contributions. Much of the pork doesn't make it all the way to Alaska -- it stays right here on K Street.

Michael Barone - Dems find careers threatened by Obamacare votes

The rule seems to be that casting a decisive vote for Obamacare tends to be a career-ender.

Byron York - Obama: Dems are in trouble because Americans aren't thinking clearly

"Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hard-wired not to always think clearly when we're scared," Obama told the assembled Democrats, who paid $15,200 a person to attend. "And the country is scared."

Susan Ferrechio - CEO candidates strike chord with financially-strapped voters

It’s a message that resonates in Wisconsin and in other states as well, where corporate CEOs — an increasing number of whom are women — have turned long-shot challenges to incumbents and career politicians into competitive races.

Mark Hemingway - Will November be the death knell for big labor unions?

Mark your calendars. Next month we might be able to pinpoint the day that big labor unions begin their decline to political irrelevancy.

More Stories

Ouch: Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-Minn., has just one donor from his district

Morning Examiner: ‘You demean the State of Kentucky’

Axelrod, the Chamber of Commerce, and glass houses

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