Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Statement by Governor Jan Brewer

PHOENIX – “There have been recent outlandish and completely unsubstantiated reports on liberal internet blogs and Twitter citing anonymous sources questioning my health. Before committing to seek election, I had a complete checkup with my doctors and confirmed there is nothing to prevent me from holding office for four more years.

“I want to assure everyone that my health is fine. I intend to vigorously protect and defend Arizonans for four more years, just as I have over the last two years.”


NOTE:  These outright LIES about the Governor came from Ultra-Liberal Moron John Dougherty former writer for the New Times and former Dem candidate for US Senate.  This asshole and the rest of the liberal local MSM is doing everything they can to make it look like Jan Brewer is going to lose.  Nice try!!!

Governor Brewer is going to win by a minumum of 15 points!  Probably more.  This is a Republican year and we are going to mop up the floor with Dems all over America!

For someone who Doughery says is ill, the Governor looks pretty healthy to me:


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