Thursday, October 14, 2010

Republican Party Polling Shows A Likely Sweep Of State Races

14 October 2010

While the axiom popularized by Mark Twain about “lies, damned lies, and statistics” might still ring true, polling numbers released today by the Arizona Republican Party gives them reason to be optimistic heading toward the election on November 2nd, with their candidates leading the races for governor, secretary of state, superintendent of schools, attorney general, treasurer, state mine inspector, and corporation commission.

“This poll clearly demonstrates the strength of our statewide Republican ticket,” said Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen. “Governor Brewer and our experienced candidates have proven that they know what it takes to get Arizona moving in the right direction. They know state government must live within its means and tough choices must be made to return our state to prosperity.”

The survey commissioned by the Arizona Republican Party and performed by Moore Information of Portland, Oregon polled 500 likely Arizona voters.

The poll numbers:


Jan Brewer, Republican 51%

Terry Goddard, Democrat 34%

Secretary of State:

Ken Bennett, Republican 46%

Chris Deschene, Democrat 28%

Attorney General:

Tom Horne, Republican 46%

Felecia Rotellini, Democrat 37%


Doug Ducey, Republican 38%

Andrei Cherny, Democrat 24%

Superintendent of Schools:

John Huppenthal, Republican 46%

Penny Kotterman, Democrat 33%

Mine Inspector:

Joe Hart, Republican 38%

Manuel Cruz, Democrat 29%

Corporation Commission:

Gary Pierce, Republican 28%

Brenda Burns, Republican 28%

David Bradley, Democrat 18%

Jorge Luis Garcia, Democrat 17%

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