Monday, October 18, 2010


Folks, November 2nd is going to be a HISTORIC Election!  We could see a 'SWEEP' of the 8 Congressional Seats here in Arizona!  Even the 'Lame Stream Media' is starting to think so:

Rasmussen Predicts GOP Gain of 55 in House - HUMAN EVENTS

ABCNEWS: 63 Dem House Seats in 'Serious Danger'...

As Democrats’ message lags, GOP awaits huge wins


Let's Bring This Home!

Ben Quayle vs Jon Hulburd - Newest TV Ad!


Paid for By Quayle for Congress

NOTE:  According to the AZ Republic,

Arizona's Republican Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl have taped an ad supporting McClung, and McCain's political-action committee has sent her money.

DCCC Spending Too Much Time in the Bathroom

Sunday, October 17th 2010

For Immediate Release

A friend recently told me about his favorite bathroom scrawl. We've all seen them: the sometimes funny, often vulgar, and too frequently racist slogans carved on bathroom walls and sharpied on toilet paper dispensers. The one he told me about went like this:

God's love is blind.

Therefore, God is love.

I love Ray Charles.

Ray Charles is Blind.

Therefore, Ray Charles is God.

Seems like the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has been spending too much time in the bathroom. Their new attack ad against Ruth McClung accuses her of supporting a national retail sales tax. For "proof" they point to a Center for Arizona Policy questionnaire. The questionnaire asked whether candidates support "replacing the current federal tax code with a flat tax or national sales tax", and requested a yes or no answer.

For the record, Ruth does support replacing the broken federal tax system with a stepped flat tax. She does not support a national retail sales tax. But using its best bathroom logic, the DCCC decided to go ahead and attack her on it anyway.

Somehow fellas, as with the scrawl above, we don't think this one is going to pass the fact check. Please flush when you're done. You're starting to stink up the room.


Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162


Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorses Dr. Paul Gosar

Cites Gosar’s Commitment to Economic Growth and Job Creation

PRESCOTT, AZ –The United States Chamber of Commerce, representing more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, has endorsed Dr. Paul Gosar because of his commitment to growing the economy and creating jobs. As a small business owner and healthcare provider, Dr. Gosar understands firsthand the difficulty of growing a business in these challenging economic times and will use this experience to support policies that empower small businesses to create jobs.

In a letter to Dr. Gosar, the President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Thomas J. Donohue writes:

“At no other time in our nation’s history has it been more critical that Members of Congress provide leadership that protects and advances the interests of the business community. We believe that your election to the U.S. House will help produce sustained economic growth and help create more jobs.”

“I am honored to have the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,” said Dr. Gosar. “We need to put Arizona back to work and we do that by getting government out of the way so that our small businesses aren’t burdened with duplicative regulations and endless red-tape. Small business is the engine of Arizona’s economy and it is time that the government put Main Street first so that we can get our economy moving again. We must end business as usual in Washington.”

In less than two years, Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick has voted for the failed stimulus bill which has given grants to companies who ship jobs overseas, an irresponsible $3.4 trillion budget, TARP 3, the health care reform bill which raises taxes on families and small businesses by over $525 billion, and requested nearly $100 million in taxpayer funded earmarks. In this deepening economic recession, Arizona is looking for solutions, not more broken promises from out-of-touch politicians in Washington.

Dr. Paul Gosar’s message of reining in wasteful spending and creating jobs by empowering small businesses continues to resonate with the people of Arizona. As a small business owner himself, Dr. Gosar understands how to create jobs and operate on a budget. In addition to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, he has been endorsed by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and Trust in Small Business (TISB). He has enjoyed meeting with voters across the District who share his belief that his background and his experience in rural Arizona’s way of life have positioned him well to defeat Rep. Kirkpatrick in November.

Paid for By Gosar for Congress

The Democrat attack plan has been leaked and we now know that our race is their top target in the country. As we continue to gain momentum, with key endorsements like Sen. John McCain and the Arizona Republic… We can win this fight, but your support right now is urgently needed!

If each of our supporters invested $1,000 - - even $500, we would have the resources to take back our country starting right here in Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District.

Here’s the heat…

The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee has narrowed its scope to our race. We are target number 2 of 6. That means, we don’t win the U.S. House of Representatives, and roll back Pelosi’s power, without winning this race.

Every dollar matters at this point. The unions, the national groups for the far left, and Nancy Pelosi’s liberal Members around the country are on alert to try to save Congressman Mitchell.

Today, it is urgent that you help us. We are fighting back, but we can’t do it alone.

Please consider investing $1,000 in our race. This will help us stay on television. At this critical hour, we lose if we don’t have the funds to deliver our message and get-out-the-vote.

Supporting our fight - - helping us build the funds to fight back this week, is crucial. If it’s not $1,000, what amount can you give to save help save our country? $150, $400, even $35? The most important thing is that you give today.

Consider this… If the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi stay in power, your tax burden next year will far exceed $2,400. That’s the maximum amount you can contribute to the Schweikert campaign.

Election day victory is just 15 days, but we can’t get there without your help!

We’re facing a liberal opponent who chaired the state Democrat party, sponsored card check legislation to put unions bosses before workers, voted to bailout Wall Street and the car companies, he even voted twice for ObamaCare! Let’s send him and his Pelosi policies packing.

Big government liberals have come to Mitchell’s aid. The unions are swinging for him.

For those of us who believe in freedom, this is the moment that we decide whether we care to win or lose. Will you help David Schweikert fight in the most closely watched U.S. House race in the country right now?

The stakes couldn’t be higher. If we don’t win this seat, what will our children say about us? We squandered away our opportunity to apathy? We gave in to the liberals and Nancy Pelosi and failed to invest when our country needed us most?

We know America’s brightest days are still ahead. The American people are on the verge of a very strong economic recovery, but it’s going to take leaders in Washington who are willing to get government out of the way and stop punishing free enterprise by raising taxes and growing government.

Just look at what’s happened over the last 3.5 years – serial bailouts of failing companies, the nationalization of whole industries, spending at a staggering scale, card check, cap and trade, and the government takeover of healthcare.

We deserve better.

American can recover, but we need to do what it takes today for this election.

Our fidelity to the Constitution, commitment to limited government and the principles that have always made us the land of opportunity are worth fighting for.

Please invest in our race today - - whether it’s $40, $300, $700, $1,500, or $2,400 - - we each can give to win this race. And we’re only going to be able to do it together.

Can David Schweikert count on your help at this critical moment?

With all eyes on Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District, we can win if we have the support.

It’s going to take every penny, and if there’s one thing we know about our country, it’s that our finest hour rises from these very challenges.

Together, let's take back our government from the far left!
p.s. If you're still holding an early ballot, please sent it in ASAP. Getting out the vote is absolutely crucial to victory

Paid for By Schweikert for Congress

The first debate between Jesse and Gabrielle Giffords will take place tonight in the Student Union Ballroom at the University of Arizona. The doors open at 6:00 pm and close at 6:45 pm. The debate will begin at 7:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm.

Seating is limited so you may want to arrive several hours early if you want to attend in person. You can also watch the debate on KUAT Channel 6 or listen at KUAZ 89.1 FM/1550 AM. More information is available at

Debate watching party: If you cannot make it to the live event, join other supporters at Sam Hughes Place, Championship Dining to watch the debate and meet afterwards. Located at the SE corner of Campbell Ave and 6th Street.

Jesse will also debate Giffords this Wednesday, Oct 20th in Sierra Vista at Buena High School, 5225 E. Buena School Road. That event will go from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. You may want to arrive early for a good seat. Go to this link for details.

T8KE BACK 8 fundraiser! Don't miss this exciting event on Thursday evening, October 21st with a special guest appearance by Senator John McCain. Please RSVP to Robin or Jewel at (520) 888-1885. The minimum requested contribution is $100 per person ($2,400 maximum). More information at this link.

View Jesse's newest ad. Join us for an ad viewing party on the East side of Tucson at Hog Pit Smokehouse this Tuesday, Oct 19 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Minimum suggested donation is $25. Click here for more information.

Check the campaign calendar for more great events.

Volunteer opportunities:

Phone calls: Our phone calls to voters are going very well. If you would like to help for an hour or two, please contact Parralee at (520) 749-0312 or

Signs: We still have signs to put up around the district. Please contact Joe Boogaart at or (520) 229-7719 if you would like to help.

Thank you again for your help and support.

Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress

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