Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Says Hulburd backs Pelosi

PHOENIX (October 12, 2010) – Ben Quayle, Republican Congressional candidate for Arizona’s CD3, receives a strong endorsement from Arizona Senator Jon Kyl in a new TV ad released today. Appearing on camera throughout the ad, Senator Kyl highlights a key difference between Quayle and his opponent in the race.

“To bring America back, we must change Washington,” Kyl states in the ad. “That starts with removing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Ben Quayle will do that. His opponent supports Pelosi,” Kyl says.

To view the ad: click here

Paid for By Ben Quayle for Congress

Congressman Flake has been recognized by The Good Men Project, an online magazine, as one of the "Top Ten Good Men Politicians" in America.

It's nice to see others recognizing what we here in Arizona have known for years: Jeff Flake is a man of principle who places limited government above party loyalty.

The magazine says that even before the Tea Party movement lit up across the country "Jeff Flake was fed up with Washington's high-pork diet and was crusading against earmarks."

“Jeff Flake is that rare creature in Washington,” Matt Welch, editor of Reason, tells the magazine. “He’s someone who elevates principle over party, choice over control, and good governance over doling out goodies to his constituents.”

To read the full story and an interview with Congressman Flake, click here.

Thank you for your continued support of Congressman Flake. I invite you to share your thoughts with Congressman Flake by replying to this email, or by posting a comment on his Facebook page by clicking here.

Best regards,
Mike Haller

Campaign Manager

Jeff Flake for Congress
Paid for By Jeff Flake for Congress

Mitt Romney's PAC Endorses Ruth McClung for Arizona's CD 7

PHOENIX, AZ. OCTOBER 12, 2010- Mitt Romney's Free and Strong America PAC announced the endorsement of Ruth McClung for Arizona's Congressional District 7 race against Congressman Raul Grijalva.
McClung has been interested in politics since she was teenager, when in Idaho her father served as a Republican County Chairman. She helped out in campaigns, volunteered in the Republican headquarters, helped in special county events, and was acquainted with many of the politicians. Her interest in serving her community through politics has grown through the years, and has led her to run for office.

"I am humbled to have received Governor Romney's endorsement. Governor Romney believes in strengthening our economy, military, and families," McClung said. "Those beliefs as well as hard work were instilled upon me at an early age and I hope to show Southern Arizona my commitment to them at a national level."

McClung wants to use her science background to help the people of Southern Arizona, and the United States by serving in the U.S. Congress. Ruth's educational and work background gives her an advantage over most candidates. She understands the science behind some very important issues such as energy, the environment, technology, defense, and national security. McClung understands the need for defense and the types of technologies that are needed to make us safer. She also understands where potential waste in the defense industry might be.

For more information about her and her campaign, visit

Mitt Romney's Free and Strong America PAC is sending McClung $2,500 in support toward her Congressional campaign.

"At a time when too many of our elected officials are more interested in growing the size of government than growing our economy, we need leaders who will put the interests of the people ahead of special interests. Ruth is committed to turning our troubled economy around, and her educational and professional background as a physicist gives her a unique perspective on many of the most challenging issues facing our nation. I look forward to the contributions she will make in Congress, and I am proud to stand with her today," said Romney.


Sam Stone, Media Relations

(520) 822-7162


Paid for by Ruth McClung for Congress

Dr. Paul Gosar's New TV Ad:

The Choice is Clear


ICYMI: Kirkpatrick Continues to Ignore the Law

PRESCOTT, AZ – Today, Prescott released an article with a detailed timeline of the past 21 days, highlighting how Liberal Ann Kirkpatrick continues to ignore their “Cease and Desist” notice for a video she illegally uses in one of her negative attack ads. Apparently Ann Kirkpatrick thinks she is above the law.

Here is the story from Prescott

New Copyright Notices in Honor of Kirkpatrick
Written by Lynne LaMaster

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

A new copyright notice is being adopted effective immediately on all eNewsAZ websites (PrescotteNews, ChinoValleyeNews and PrescottValleyeNews). It will be put in place throughout the day on the websites, and will be included in all videos and YouTube content produced by eNewsAZ from this point forward until further notice.
To be perfectly frank, it doesn't change any copyright status already in place for all eNewsAZ content - the law is clear on that point. All material on any eNewsAZ website is fully covered by copyright law. What this new copyright notice will do, however, is remind people that they are not above the law, no matter what their job or position is. Here's the new notice:

"© 2010 by eNewsAZ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution is absolutely prohibited and will be considered a copyright infringement. Members of Congress are NOT exempt."

It's been 21 days since the first "Cease and Desist" (C&D) notice was sent out to Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick and her reelection campaign staff. That notice demanded she immediately stop using the eNewsAZ video without permission or authorization, which was placed in an attack ad against her opponent, Paul Gosar.

To make sure she really got the message, not only was the C&D emailed on September 21, 2010, but copies of the letter were sent via certified email on the same day. Photos were included to demonstrate there was no doubt as to the ownership of the video.

Feeling an urgency to defend the eNewsAZ reputation, an article was also written and published on September 21, to let readers know that the video, which happened to be an interview with Dr. Gosar on the night of his primary victory, was being used without permission or authorization. It was not then, nor will it ever be, the eNewsAZ policy to conduct an interview with a subject, and then turn around and provide it to their opponent for use in an attack ad. Interviews are considered a courtesy at eNewsAZ headquarters, and are not taken for granted.

Included in that article, "If It's Not Yours, Don't Use It," was a statement, "We aren't going to comment any further on the letter at this time until Representative Kirkpatrick's office has a chance to respond. We do expect, however, that they will do the right thing in these circumstances."

Perhaps that statement was overly optimistic.

By late afternoon on the 3rd day, Kirkpatrick's campaign manager, Carmen Gallus called to acknowledge that they had received the notice, and were "reviewing" it. In the meantime, the ad continued to run. That was Thursday, September 23.

On Friday, September 24, in the interest of transparency, another article was published, "Initial Response from Kirkpatrick Campaign Regarding Video".

No further communication came from the Kirkpatrick over the weekend. By Tuesday, September 28, it was apparent that the original C&D was not being taken seriously, and attorneys would need to get involved. On Thursday, September 30 a letter was sent from the Law Office of Rebecca Nittle to Congresswoman Kirkpatrick. As before, this letter was emailed and also sent via certified mail. In that letter, a response was demanded by close of business Monday, October 4.

A Lot Happens on Wednesday, October 6 - But No Resolution

Monday came and went, the ad continued to run, and nothing was heard from Kirkpatrick or her staff. In the event of some unknown snafu, Nittle recommended an extra day's grace. Nothing. By Wednesday morning, October 6, Nittle made a courtesy call to Kirkpatrick's office. They claimed they had not received it, and Michael Frias, Kirkpatrick's Washington Chief of Staff requested that Nittle fax it to their office, which she did.

Prescott eNews ran an article titled, "Holding Congresswoman Kirkpatrick Accountable," and quoted from Kirkpatrick herself, "No one's above the law... I believe that as a member of Congress, I am no better than anyone out there."

While all this was happening, Evan Wyloge, a reporter for both Arizona Capitol Times and The Yellow Sheet Report had been investigating the issue. His article, "Kirkpatrick Gets 8th Commandment Scolding" was published in the Yellow Sheet Report Wednesday afternoon around 4 pm.

Wyloge, who got a more definitive response than Nittle did, reports that Frias, "...said they fully intend to resolve the matter, but they find the whole ordeal frustrating because the Prescott eNews ran an article criticizing the Kirkpatrick campaign before the cease and desist order was received. 'We're reviewing the matter, but this issue should not be a replacement for a thorough debate between Ann and Paul on issues like the economy, social security and taxes - a real debate on real issues that matter to Arizonans in District 1,' he said."

Since Wednesday... Nothing

Despite their words to Wyloge, neither Kirkpatrick or her campaign staff have made any effort to resolve the issue to date. And the ad continues to run, at least as late as Sunday night.

This is probably no surprise to eNews readers, where only 7% voted that they thought Kirkpatrick would do the right thing in one way or another. Here's the breakdown of the answers to the question, Will Kirkpatrick Do the Right Thing About Using Our Video?:

Yes, she'll 'fess up, recall the ads, apologize 3.9%

She will offer a fair financial compensation 0%

Both of the first two 3.1%

Are you crazy? She's a snarky politician 19.4%

No, she'll act innocent, blame it on someone else 63.6%

Video?? What video?? 10.1%

Gosar Communications Director, Stefani Zimmerman, doesn't seem any more surprised than eNewsAZ readers, stating, “This is just sheer arrogance- of all people Ann Kirkpatrick should know that no one is above the law. Apparently after voting for a government-run health care bill that exempts Members of Congress, she has fallen lock-step with Nancy Pelosi and thinks that the law applies to everyone but her.”

While the eNewsAZ team prepares to vigorously defend their property through any and all methods available, in the meantime, it seems necessary and appropriate to beef up the copyright notice. Hopefully this will prevent any more occurrences of this nature.

"© 2010 by eNewsAZ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution is absolutely prohibited and will be considered a copyright infringement. Members of Congress are NOT exempt."

Paid for By Gosar for Congress

Gabrielle Giffords is a career politician who will say anything to stay in power. She is lying about Jesse's plan to lower taxes. Jesse has always supported a low, 10% flat tax so everyone has a small stake in their government. Her ads about Jesse are false and she is trying to deceive the voters because she cannot run on her record.

Giffords has consistently voted for higher taxes, more federal regulations, and for job killing schemes like Cap and Trade and Obamacare.

She has more money than we do so Jesse needs your help. Please contact your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and tell them the truth. Jesse Kelly supports LOWER TAXES so we can grow the economy and bring new jobs to Arizona.

If you have any questions about Jesse's position on the issues, please attend one of his events or contact a member of the campaign team at this link.

In case you missed it: Jesse spoke at the recent Tucson Tea Party. Click on the image below to watch a short video of his speech (thank you to Mike for recording the video). The contrast between the honest convictions of Jesse and the Washington double-speak of Giffords could not be more clear.


Volunteer opportunities:
Phone calls: Our phone calls to voters are going very well. If you would like to help for an hour or two, please contact Parralee at (520) 749-0312 or
Signs: We still have signs to put up around the district. Please contact Joe Boogaart at or (520) 229-7719 if you would like to help.
Upcoming Events: Jesse has a busy schedule, meeting with voters in person. Please tell your friends about these great events.
Thur, Oct 14, evening. Meet and Greet at Taste of Texas, 8310 N. Thornydale Road (SE corner of Thornydale and Cortaro Farms Road). This event is from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Bring your friends.
Sat, Oct 16, morning. Meet and Greet at the Mini Time Machine Museum, 4455 E. Camp Lowell from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.

Sat, Oct 16, afternoon. Day in the Park hosted by the Pima County Tea Party Patriots, Continental Ranch Neighborhood Park, 8900 N. Coachline Blvd from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.

Mon, Oct 18, DEBATE. The first debate between Jesse and Giffords will take place in the Grand Ballroom of the University of Arizona Student Union. Doors open at 6:00 pm so try and be there by 5:00 or 5:30 pm to get a seat
Check the campaign calendar for more great events.

Please forward this e-mail to your friends. Explain to them how close this election is and that we can win, with their help. They can sign up for free campaign updates at this link.

Thank you again for your crucial support.
Paid for By Jesse Kelly for Congress
In the first debate yesterday between David Schweikert and Congressman Mitchell…
Congressman Mitchell refused to answer key questions, he read from his prepared notes, and he told the audience that Social Security is solvent.
Our Congressman didn’t show any urgency or comprehension of the challenges we face with entitlements or the national debt.
He said he didn’t regret a single vote he had made this cycle - - he’d have to get back to us.
Our opponent’s pockets are deep. The unions are swinging for him. The DCCC is lobbing attacks. And now, front groups are stepping in to try to save Mitchell’s campaign from his abysmal record in Congress voting alongside Nancy Pelosi.
It’s Wednesday. We have less than three weeks to go. Early ballots are in voters hands.

The choice of whether we win this fight depends on your support.
What is the price of freedom?
Today, we face a government that is taxing and regulating people more than we could have ever imagined. Government is bigger, freedom is more limited, and our duty to support the right candidates in this election is all that can save this Republic.
We can’t borrow and spend, and bailout our way to prosperity. The road to freedom is not big government. We know what works and it’s not a government that crams the American people into crushing debts to fund bloated bureaucracy and the irresponsible decisions of others.
So what is freedom worth?
$1,000 to David Schweikert’s campaign, compared to the cost of higher taxes, more regulations, ObamaCare run rampant…

Government will cost you more in the next 12 months, if Mitchell is allowed to win, than your maximum giving capability to this campaign.
We can stop bad government by electing a generation of new leaders that believe in freedom and will fight for it to their very core.
The truth is, the liberals just don’t get it.
Obama’s administration and most of the far left have no experience in the free enterprise system. They want top-down, heavy-handed government policies that are keeping us from having the strong recovery we should be having right now.
Oppose the march of big government. Your $100, $200, $500, $2,400 contribution will provide the reinforcement we need at this critical hour.

It’s about whether we abandon our cause, or fight for limited government right here in this key seat in Arizona.
We can fight back. But your support today is that rallying cry.

We believe in limited government and personal freedom, and we see what’s happened to our country. Replacing Congressman Mitchell and putting a halt to Nancy Pelosi’s control is the first step to saving our Republic.

Paid for By David Schweikert for Congress

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