Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obamacare: Startling New Revelations Scare Public

Obamacare: Startling New Revelations Scare Public
By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

First, we learned that a $500 billion cut in Medicare will dramatically affect the quality and quantity of healthcare available to America's senior citizens. Grandma's access is being slashed to add illegal immigrants and twenty-somethings into the insurance system. However, this revelation pales in relation to what we heard this week. Here's the latest shock: Average current health insurance premiums with likely triple under Obamacare. The new data comes from a well regarded, state-by-state study conducted for WellPoint, Inc. The most dramatic premium boosts will hit young people.

These are the actual individuals that often opt out of insurance plans now.

Reaction from the Obama White House was swift and harsh. Linda Douglass, Obama's healthcare spokesperson, had the audacity to compare the health insurance firm with tobacco companies. Since the White House refuses to argue the facts, they instead turned to using one of their favorite tactics, which is demonizing any voices of dissent. The reason for the dramatic insurance premium increases is the result of Obamacare regulations.

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