Yesterday, literally hundreds-of-thousands of American citizens from all walks of life stood up for their freedoms by standing up and cheering at almost 1,000 Taxpayer Tea Parties across the nation.
Standing on the same stage Sean Hannity would later speak from in Atlanta, Georgia last night, I looked out over a crowd of more than 15,000 people – a young couple with their three young children in tow holding a sign that said, “Our children…Our future.”, an elderly gentleman standing with the assistance of a cane wearing a 101st Airborne Veteran baseball cap and waving a sign that said, “Got Freedom?", two University of Georgia t-shirt-wearing coeds holding a large sign that said “Tell the Politicians to cut THEIR budgets – we’re already cutting ours," dozens of folks holding "I am AFP" signs and so many more.
The day before the Atlanta rally, FOX News covered the pre-event preparation party with our own Georgia AFP team, Virginia Galloway and Jared Thomas.
Our Americans for Prosperity Texas state director, Peggy Venable, helped organize the rally in Austin, where thousands of folks showed up, including Governor Perry -- one of the few governors in the country fighting the good fight for our freedoms.

In Madison, Wisconsin – yes Madison, one of the most liberal big government areas of the nation – our Americans for Prosperity State Director Mark Block welcomed more than 8,000 people to a rally for freedom, for lower taxes and less debt!
In Sacramento, California – home to the largest state budget deficit in American history last year – our Americans for Prosperity team, David Spady and Jennifer Kerns, were partners in the coalition welcoming more than 5,000 grassroots activists demanding an end to tax and spend policies that are literally killing what was once a vibrant state economy.
In Oklahoma, AFP's Stuart Jolly called me from the road as he criss-crossed the state hitting some of the approximately two dozen rallies he was a part of organizing there.
Attached you can see several pictures from these rallies and media clips. For more pictures and more information on the Taxpayer Tea Parties go to our website at americansforprosperity.org.
At nearly 40 rallies across North Carolina, our AFP State Director Dallas Woodhouse had volunteers getting folks signed up for future battles.
And that’s what I want to talk with you about for just a moment more.
You see, we cannot view these Taxpayer Tea Parties as an end.
Instead, we must use them as a beginning.
So today I want to share with you the next steps.
First, on October 2nd in Washington, D.C. Americans for Prosperity will be hosting the National Taxpayer Tea Party at the Capitol. Why October 2nd? That’s when we expect the final debates to be occurring over the massive Obama budget.
Please make plans now to attend this massive event. For more information click here.
Second, please consider hosting a local grassroots organizing event at your home or somewhere in your community. We will provide a “Home Organizing” kit to help guide you through the process but it’s pretty easy. You may get 12 people out or you may get 50 – either way you’ll get more people involved.
It’s so important for grassroots activists like you to get to know the folks who care as much as you do, who believe like you do. These local events are not that hard and they’re a lot of fun. Plus, we will help you organize these events. More information is coming on these home events!
Third, go to our website, americansforprosperity.org and pull down the contact information for your two U.S. Senators, your member of the House of Represenatives and your state representatives. Then, commit to contacting them on a consistent basis about key issues such as taxes and spending beginning with the outrageous Obama budget. Also commit to forwarding their contact information to your friends and family whenever an important issue comes up.
Not long ago, I was speaking with Senator Jim DeMint and I asked him if it mattered when people call, email or fax their members of Congress. Senator DeMint said, “Tim, it matters more than ever before." Most Senators get a daily update on the number of people contacting their office and where they stand on the issues.
I realize we’re asking a lot from you.
But, we face the most dangerous threat to our economic freedom in generations. The very fabric of our lives – from the way our health care is handled, to the way our children are educated, to the way our incomes are taxed, to the way our businesses are run, to the way we use energy, to the way the government impacts the basic personal decisions we make – hangs in the balance.
Unfortunately, we face a President and Congress determined to make government bigger, stronger, and more dominant. They really believe that government knows best. And if they get their
way, freedom – your freedom and mine – will wane.
So, we must do what Americans always do when faced with a challenge: We must work and fight and sacrifice our time and treasure in order to protect our freedom.
Thank you for all you are doing and more importantly, for all you are going to do for freedom.

Tim Phillips
P.S. Save the date of October 2nd for the National Taxpayer Tea Party in Washington at the Capitol to make the final push of the year! Go to our website to let me know you’re interested or even better, committed to coming. And, remember to take a look at the pictures and coverage of the Taxpayer Tea Parties from yesterday. They were great – but remember they’re a beginning, not an end.
1 comment:
Americans for Prosperity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americans_For_Prosperity#Ties_to_convicted_lobbyist_Jack_Abramoff
Americans for Prosperity is led by Tim Phillips, who was a former partner with Ralph Reed's Century Strategies. That organization became well-known when it was revealed in a Senate investigation that convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff was laundering money through Century Strategies and Americans for Tax Reform to oppose legislation that his Indian tribe clients wanted to defeat.
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