Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Presidential Election Predictions for October 14, 2008

If the election was held today. here are my predictions. Because BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his Dem Shills @ ACORN ARE STEALING the Election with Voter Fraud in OH (12 other states also), I have put Ohio in BHO's column.

If BHO is so far ahead, why is ACORN & the ScumBag Democrats trying to steal this election in at least 13 states, probably more?


Anonymous said...

Man, too bad Lieberman wasn't McCain's choice (well, he *was* McCain's choice, but he had to chose Palin to bring the crazies on board).

It could have been McCan't/Loserman!

Seriously, I find it terribly amusing to hear Republicans whine about "stolen" elections.

Tony GOPrano said...

This proves that you don't keep up with current events (except what's on LIBeral sites like Daily Kos, the NYT, etc, etc). The stories on ACORN are widespread, they are everywhere! I don't think the FBI would be investigating these cases if there was nothing there. This is just firing up the GOP base.

Anonymous said...

Tony, just for the record, here's what I read everyday:


Espresso Pundit
Sonoran Alliance
Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion
Phoenix New Times


Corner @ National Review
Hot Air
Michelle Malkin
Debbie Schlussel
Russ Douthat @ The Atlantic
Real Clear Politics
Fox News
Free Republic


Daily Kos (aw, you got me!)
Think Progress
Talking Points Memo
Five Thirty Eight
Sadly, No
The Huffington Post
Crooks and Liars


On Politics
Marc Armbinder @ The Atlantic
Andrew Sullivan @ The Atlantic

So, you know, I'm probably light years more diverse than you.


ACORN is by law not permitted to reject a voting application, regardless of how it is filled out. It is up the local elections departments to sort out what is false or true. *IF* a person goes to vote illegally, blame the your local Elections Supervisor, not Obama.

But you let me know if anything comes of those investigations.


Fire up the base? Isn't that what Sarah "mooseburgers and winks" Palin was supposed to do/did? Have you SEEN the base? When half the GOP isn't complaining that McCain should fire Palin/Schmidt/himself, they're complaining that McCain isn't personally trying to shoot down Obama's campaign jet.

You have NO clue how fired up WE are. 3 weeks out, we're killing in the polls, Obama's got so much money he's spending it placing ads in video games, buying channels on Dish Network, and reserving 30 minutes of airtime on 3 out of the 4 major broadcast networks, and newspaper endorsements are flying out faster than we can post them.

McCain could still totally win this... But I would much rather be in my position than yours.

Tony GOPrano said...

Klute you must be a 'selective reader' if your reading all those Blogs & haven't heard about the ACORN mess. Klute it was Dems who turned them in: the NV Sec of State is a Dem.

If you don't think the GOP is energized, think again. I run a national group called the McCAIN GOOGLE GROUPS a 50 state + Wash D.C. effort for the Grassroots support of John McCain for President. We have Thousands of members who are out on the street working for McCain. Based on the thousands of e-mails I received from these great patriots each week, I think the McCain Supports will surprise you Klute.

As Luke Skywalker once said to the Emperor Palpatine, "Your Faith in the Dark Side will be your downfall"! And you know what happened to him!

Anonymous said...

"Klute you must be a 'selective reader' if your reading all those Blogs & haven't heard about the ACORN mess. Klute it was Dems who turned them in: the NV Sec of State is a Dem."

Which would kind of absolve the Democratic Party from participating in any alleged "fraud", right?